Kamis, 12 September 2013

QUOTES for today :3

*****Heeeeeeeeeeeeeyyy thereeeee... wazzaapp?? I wanna give u some quotes:

  • “LANGUAGE is a miracle from God’s CREATION.”
  • “WRITING is  manage many things. Because, writing is the highest level for skill in English.”
  • “You will be BEAUTIFUL if your face like a full moon, but before Neil Amstrong came.”

It was some quotes from my lecturer Academic Writing, Mom Ismarita Ida.
Today is my first meeting with her in the class. I thought that she looks like motherhood for her students. The proof is when she told us she could teach until 75 students from Culture Faculty and the Law Faculty. In fact, she could teach with quota in the class until 200 students. Very awesome! ^^
She has told many things with us during the class. I supposed that she will made us scare with her, like watch The Conjuring Movie xD But actually, she is a calm woman. I hope when she gives the value for me, it will not make me to be disappointed. Coz, I believe that I can pass this course with my skill in writing ;)
After the class finished, as usual I went to cafetaria UB with my bestiest, Jevi, Erra, Silmi, Aninda, Galuh, etc. Lia and Alfi can’t attend because Lia’s Academic Writing Class is different with me, and Alfi late for woke up this morning  -____-
In my second class I met Maghfir and Siwon a.k.a. Try. They look like a couple for prank. They always make some jokes to each other and like padlock with the chains. they can’t be separated for each other. We supposed that the lecturer of Sociolinguistic is the killer lecturer. But the reality is the lecturer for this course is Miss Devinta. She is a beautiful lecturer that I’ve meet.
After the second class, I continued the last class for today. The last class is Morphology. For the umpteenth time, I supposed the lecturer is killer :p At the end, when I arrived infront of the class, I met her again. Yeah, Miss Dee a.k.a. Miss Devinta :D I’m so glad to knew that.
Alhamdulillah, I can passed the course today with nice lecturers. I wish my result in this semester can be fine as my hope. Amiinnn ^^

***That’s all from me, c yaa ;3

Selasa, 10 September 2013

Cat :3

if u love the pets especially for cat, I Recomend u to watch this video :

My Morning Class~

Today, I start my day with morning class.
Hhonestly, I still sleepy then but I have to join the class this morning. :O
I met my lecturer Mam Dian Degeng again in Kepemimpinan Pendidikan D class.
I'm so happy when I could meet my classmates again.
I hope this semester my IP will be increase than past.
I don’t wanna somebody can disturb me to get the great value >:D
And after my morning class finished, Jevi, Alfi, Erra, Aninda, and I went to the cafetaria UB.
We ate some breakfasts and told each other.
After that, Alfi and I went to our faculty again for Wi Fi. And then Jevi, Erra, Aninda, and Silmi wanna continue their classes.
I think that's all for today.

See ya ;)

10 - 09 - 2013

 Luka Batin yang Terpendam

Hari ini adalah hari dimana aq meluapkan segala kekesalanku kepada seseorang yang menganggap remeh diriku...

Merasa mereka paling sempurna diantara yang paling maksimal berusaha...

Aku sudah diambang batas kesabaranku...

Mencoba untuk meredam segalanya sebelum ku terbuka kepada dunia...

Lambat laun penantianku  pun mulai datang...

Berpegang teguh pada kenyataan yang membuatku sedikit galau akan cemoohan orang...

Namun pada akhirnya telah ku sadari...

Jalan cerita tak selamanya berbuah manis...

Mungkin sedikit demi sedikit harus kurasakan buah yg pahit...

Agar lengkaplah jalan ceritaku ini....

Terimakasih Tuhan telah Engkau temukan dengan orang-orang seperti itu...

Agar ku tahu jalan yang terbaik bagiku...

Agar dilain waktu tak salah langkahku...

Untuk menggapai segala cita dan cinta dunia akhiratku...


Oleh : Triple-H